Well, enough of the deep stuff, if you can call it that. Even though my husband forgot my birthday, as well as my kids (they have never remembered), my parents, two of my brothers, Jan Paul and David, and my sister Roselene called to wish me a happy birthday. After all the phone calls (unusual activity), my husband suddenly disappeared...guess where he went? Yes, I got red roses, which have been a while. He claims he remembered yesterday, but then forgot about it today. Huuuuummmm, sure dear.
Went to watch "You Again". Love movies. My mother-in-law took me (I love her). Yep, just me and her. Does it sound lame? Absolutely not!! Actually it was quite fun. Cute movie. If you ever had the same experience of being bullied in school you kind of relate to it. I was. For one year in Aurora, Colorado. Always called it my hell. Still remember her name...Holly. Wish I could remember her last name. If I researched my yearbook from 6th grade I could find out, but it really isn't worth it, is it. After that I had many a wonderful years. Best time of my life. There is always a rainbow after the storm isn't there?!
Came back home, put the kids down to sleep. My computer time...now, my blog time. Checked my e-mails. Happy to find so many happy birthday wishes... here are a few:
Karime wrote:
"Cindy minha flormosura !!! Happy Birthday! Desejo-lhe tanto mas tanto ...nega maluca, brigadeiro, coxinha, pasteuzinho,risolis,canudinhos,churrasquinho, cachorro Clark Kent oops quente I mean lol!!! Menina, oro ao Pai Celestial que continue abencoando-lhe sempre e que sempre seja essa pessoa linda e meiga...e sexi nono no.. pq sexy sou eu hehehe tu es sechi memo heheheh viu soah ... e q ue continue a mesma doida de sempre que nem "mais eu" :) ueeeeeeee? KD vc? Olha...eu sei que ainda existe a Cindy ai dentro de "mais oce"hehehe desperta ela vai... sorria..."La vita è bella" bjssssssssaudades sempre....KA
ps Sorry, como canta o Rei Roberto...sao tantas as emoces...Cindy, tu es mae e sabe que o tempo e curto pois nao? Entao copiei do orkut e aqui deixo entao um abracaoooobjsaudadesempre lindona!!!!"
Since I've known her, about 20 years ago, she has always been so sweet and she always makes people around her feel good. Thanks Karime.
Luciano (TCHUP):
Feliz aniversário, Parabéns!@!
Another one of those people that just makes you happy. Last time we were together we went for pizza and my jaw started to hurt because I was laughing so much the whole time. Miss ya...good times.
Sandra wrote:
"Feliz aniversario cunhada. Um dia bem especial para ti. bjs"
Os Abrantes posted on your Wall.
Os wrote:
"Parabens....um dia feliz..Bjs"
My dear sister-in-law. Always so thoughtful. I don't think she ever forgets anyone's birthday. I should be ashamed. She also sent me an e-card that said: "Wishing you the warmth from a beautiful day" ... I thought that was such a great wish. Thanks!!! Also, her parents. They make such a cute couple!
Geisa:Olá Cindy, parabéns, muitas felicidades....
Estamos com saudades...
Miss this one too. Miss Brazil, the people, our dinners and pool parties.
td de melhor
muitas felicidadess
Now, this one I did not expect. Nice kid. Don't know him that well but that was very kind of him.
Solange Ignácio:Parabens, muitas felicidades e tudo de bom pra vc. Bjkas
Another friend that brings back good memories.
Profº Vivan:
Every time I think that he is a teacher and I can tell he is beloved by his students, makes me giggle. Nothing funny about it, just wonderful to see the world turn, see how life turns out. Thanks!
Ana Paula para Cindy Lee. te desejo muitas felicidades nesse dia tao especial parabéns!!!!!!!! ![]() ERNANI para Cindy Lee. Olá, Cindy! Feliz Aniversário! Que este teu dia seja muito especial! Um abraço ! Ana Paula, always beautiful. Her husband can sing and play a mean guitar. Will never forget the song he sang to me the Sunday before I left Brazil. Miss them soooo much!!! Jennifer wrote: "FELIZ ANIVERSARIO PRIMINHA!!!!!!! Hope you have a Great day!!!!!! :)" My cousin. Soon to have a new bundle of joy. Thanks for remembering and good luck with your family. adriana: Oi Cindy minha amiga,FELIZ ANIVERSARIO,q seu dia hje seja maravilhoso,curta ele como se fosse o ultimo,hehehehe,e parabéns mesmo,vc merece...continue sendo esta mae maravilhoso q tem sido e amiga...mesmo a distancia sendo grande vc sempre esta em meus pensamentos e lembro-me sempre de vcs,como foi bom nossos anos juntos aqui no Brasil,amigos e familia...obrigado por vc ser esta pessoa tao especial em nosso vida,seja feliz,bjos... |
My "cousin-in-law". Great fun, remember the beach. Shane made us laugh all night. Miss you guys!!!!!!
Claudia e Paul:
Happy Bday!!! por uma semana temos o mesmo numero de veroes vividos... sooo young!!!hahaa...esperamos que tenha um otimo dia, beijao.
My sister-in-law and brother. Thanks Claudia. In a few more days and it will be your turn.
Alfeu wrote:
"Cada ano vc fica mais linda. Parabéns pelo seu aniversário!!!"
Great friend, super in shape. My inspiration for working out while in the Clinica de Recuperacao in SP. Thanks Alfeu. You always remember.
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